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Hunter's Extraction

Outskirts Hunter
You there. Do you have any idea on who I am?

Soda Pop
As far as most citizens of the City are aware, the Outskirts was far more dangerous as a place to live than any part of the Backstreets.
Like the City however, the outside had its own fair share of fixer-equivalents. Such is the case with the Hunters.
Unlike the fixers who generally only do request for the sake of money, the Hunters are more inclined to fight off monsters out of the goodness of their hearts.
Though, in this instance, there seems to be some kind of mistake.

Outskirts Hunter
Of course not! I expect nothing less from some scrap-eating machine!

Soda Pop
Hey, I'm not a machine! I'm human in the same way you're human! And what's with that outfit of yours, anyway?!

Outskirts Hunter

Outskirts Hunter
I will hear no more words from your metal mouth!

Outskirts Hunter
You should be bowing before me! After all, I am Archimago - The Greatest Mage that ever was!
Yes, it appears this sinner is under the effects of identity usage, still. This was not an uncommon occurence witin Limbus Company.
With his staff having a pointed end to create a makeshift spear, he charges at the "machine" as it is caught off guard, and it falls immediately.
His cackles were loud enough that it could be heard from miles away.

Outskirts Hunter
Pathetic thing. You know not of the challenges these deserts contain!

Soda Pop

Outskirts Hunter
He stabs his opponent down into the ground, striking the arm. Blood pools and stains the sands red.

Outskirts Hunter I was saying! Since this is most likely your last moment, I shall grace your "eyes" with my goal.

Outskirts Hunter
You see, my master...She taught me everything I knew. If I am the greatest, then she is greater!

Outskirts Hunter
She taught me everything - To keep the people safe, most especially that of the ones who cannot wield magic! Which, for the record, is ALL OF YOU.

Outskirts Hunter
Alas, my master was dragged a great, ferocious beast! And it is my one duty, apart from upholding her virtues, to save her from a terrible fate!
Although Archimago speaks of protecting others, it was very clear he did not care about protecting people at all.
Much like anyone in the City, his goal involved his own self-interests. What reason could it involve his so-called mentor? The records are classified for his Manager.
His rambles only grew a little longer before he decided to spare any more details.

Outskirts Hunter
Now, if you'll excuse me, MACHINE, I will end your pitiful life! So that everyone who sees your body will know that I, Archimago, have left a message—
Before he could perform his final execution, Archimago was immediately knocked unconscious by, of course, the very opponent he had trapped within his speech.

Soda Pop
Oh, boy. I guess my job's done here...?

Soda Pop
This is Talos. Can I be heard from here?

Captain here. Were you able to extract LCC-M-3?

Soda Pop
Uh, yeah! Kinda knocked him out a little too hard, but he should recover quickly...

Copy. Stay put, brother. ETA for re-extration is about five minutes.
With other branches that aren't those in the Bus, many issues crack in every attempt to keep a standard corporate reputation.
Can such employees really be considered expendable if every individual has their own will to adhere to?
One can only wonder.