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Sailor's Log: Entry 1
It introduced itself as Faust. Doctor Faust, if I am to be privileged enough to address them as such.
Given as they, in the present, are my coworker of variable status in position. Respect varies.
I think back on that day with mixed emotions; Granted, in all honesty, I am fortunate that my memory holds onto that meeting with such importance given we met at an empty grave, with the mundane of everyday having returned to me after that hellish voyage.
I remember opening my empty flask too disappointed.
I couldn't wash the cigarette smoke down or warm myself up with the cheap ale on that brisk winter.

LCB Sinner
You seek a coffin.
⠀I nearly choke on my own tongue when Dr. Faust finally breaks the silence between us.

LCB Sinner
I beg your pardon?
⠀ I ask without realizing that my mouth was moving. Awkwardly catching my cigarette that had fallen from it.

LCB Sinner
I seek a coffin.
⠀ ⠀They repeat. I take note of their monotone voice and study Dr. Faust's face.
⠀ ⠀My confusion must have been apparent on my face as it was in my voice. Embarrassing to admit.
⠀ Dr. faust continued to explain itself. It worked for a company, and had been recruiting for this company.
⠀ I can share that my confusion quickly changed into annoyance.
⠀ ⠀Faust hung over my head the most tantalizing piece of bait. And like a curious or starving fish that I was, I carelessly bit down on it.

LCB Sinner
I want it in writing.

LCB Sinner
Your contract is curated to your goals while still falling under the company's regulations.
⠀ ⠀⠀What Limbus Company promised me seemed out of the realm of impossibility.
Unrealistic, I thought while signing my name off, digging my cigarette into the ground with my heel.

LCB Sinner
Call me Ishmael.
⠀ ⠀⠀ I introduce myself to Faust, though they didn't seem to catch it.