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Organic Heretic
Sometimes identities take their time in wearing off. More often than not, the Manager gives room for sinners to unwind even when wearing their mirror selves.
This leaves some of them interacting with each other in ways that should and should not be. Such is the case with The One Who Grips, who happened to notice a certain bug guy sitting right next to her.

The One Who Grips
Hmmhm. How...interesting.
If she could circle around Gregor as a bird would, she'd do so, but instead she corners the poor guy, who doesn't exactly resist even with eyes wide.

G Corp. Manager Corporal
H-How can I be of service, mam...?

The One Who Grips
Your arms. My, my. I should probably be driving a nail down your throat. I don't quite like heretics, you see...?

The One Who Grips
Hm. Wait just a minute. Do you mind if I take a peek?

G Corp. Manager Corporal
Er...Sure! Sure, that's no problem, yes...!
The young soldier, perplexed by The One Who Grip's behavior, reluctantly holds out his buggy arms. He's aware many people have turned heads when he's around, but it was never to this extent.
Faust practically yanks on one of the arms, causing a yelp. She inspects, quite carefully, with curious and deranged eyes.

The One Who Grips
Yes...Yes, I see now.

G Corp. Manager Corporal
S-See what, exactly——

The One Who Grips
You...are an example of humanity's attempt to become whole! While I do not exactly understand the thought process behind your chosen body, it is no doubt that this is an extraordinary piece of evidence that we yearn for the flesh!
Now creeped out, Gregor tries to pull away, but her grasp on him is quite fierce, much to his dismay.

G Corp. Manager Corporal
Um, excuse me...but I didn't exactly choose—

The One Who Grips
Oh, but can any of us really choose when it comes to these kinds of organic changes? Why, you should be proud of yourself more! People simply do not understand your cause. But I do! Yes, I do indeed...
Now Gregor—This Gregor, to be more specific—believed than the modifications that had been done to his body were far less than ideal.
This broken soldier went through terrible ordeals in this state, and if he were to be honest with himself, he'd do anything to live a normal life.
What did this crazy woman before him know? Will she understand just how horrific it was, what he saw?

G Corp. Manager Corporal
Not today. He has to put his emotion aside, even now, lest he start something terrible.

G Corp. Manager Corporal
...Manager? Manager, I request for your assistance, please!

The One Who Grips
Settle now, little bug. How would you like to join me? We can work together! Think of the acceptance we'll bring!
The Manager, who hadn't noticed the ruckus due to being so used to chatter, had a delayed reaction, though nonetheless realized what was happening.

LCB Manager
Huh? Oh, crap-! Faust, let go of him!
Instead of calling someone else, Dante personally ran and pulled The One Who Grips away. They take a good moment arguing and pulling against each other, though Faust eventually yields.

The One Who Grips
Bah! Fine!
She lets go, and Gregor falls into the ground. Faust crosses her arms, annoyed that her inspection had been disturbed.

The One Who Grips
Just know, Dante. I have my eye on this one...!
With that, she walks away, and Dante helps Gregor back on his feet, though not without some struggle.

LCB Manager
I'm terribly sorry, Gregor. I should've gone over sooner.

G Corp. Manager Corporal
Ah, please do not apologize Manager! I am perfectly alright, just a little...taken aback, is all!
Gregor laughs it off. Of course, the Manager isn't quite convinced, but they didn't want to pry any further than that.
Between them, this identity was not one to explain the extent of their side after all.